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广州近代城市公园设计精巧,风格独特,在岭南造园史上具有重要地位。结合历史图文资料,运用风景园林史学和风景园林美学相结合的研究方法,归纳分析其造园特征。广州近代城市公园的中西合璧特征主要体现在3个方面:因地制宜的空间布局、中西融合的建筑小品、多姿多彩的植物景观。探析其中西合璧特征,有利于丰富岭南近代园林历史与理论研究,推进对广州近代城市公园的保护与造园智慧的传承。  相似文献   
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) causes a highly contagious viral disease in poultry and wild birds, and it can cause significant economic loss worldwide. Eight viral strains were isolated by inoculating embryonated chicken eggs from the Poyang Lake region of China with swab samples. All eight of the NDV isolates were identified as class I genotype 3 strains, but they diverged notablely from class II viruses. Further analysis revealed that all eight NDV isolates were lentogenic strains containing the 112ERQER↓L117 motif at the F protein cleavage site. The strains were highly identical and were more species specific (chicken and waterfowl) than site specific (Nanchang and Duchang regions). The close phylogenetic proximity of these isolates indicates that viral transmission may happen between poultry and wild birds. Our study demonstrates that lentogenic class I NDVs exist in clinically healthy wild waterfowl and poultry within the Poyang Lake region. Active surveillance of these viruses to determine their evolution and origin is one of the most realistic strategies for preventing and controlling NDV outbreaks.  相似文献   
为探究多年生人工草地在青海湖流域的适应性和稳定性,本研究以青海草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis. Qinghai)和青海中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis. Qinghai)单播及混播人工草地为研究对象,分析不同种植方式下人工草地植被和土壤养分特征的变化。结果表明:青海草地早熟禾+青海中华羊茅混播草地和青海草地早熟禾单播草地的生物量和盖度高于青海中华羊茅单播草地,且在生长旺期(8月),青海草地早熟禾+青海中华羊茅混播草地生物量最高,为586.2 g·m-2;青海草地早熟禾单播、青海中华羊茅单播和青海草地早熟禾+青海中华羊茅混播草地间土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、硝态氮、铵态氮和土壤含水量在相同土壤深度下差异不显著,但土壤氮、磷及有机质间存在显著的相关性。综上所述,在青海湖流域建植青海草地早熟禾+青海中华羊茅混播型人工草地可以获得较高的产量,但需在种植和管理过程中协调好土壤氮、磷间的关系。  相似文献   
以北方盆栽蓝莓美登和北蓝为研究对象,通过人为温度控制,促使盆栽蓝莓提前开花。研究表明,盆栽美登(Blomidon)在需冷量达到1200h,盆栽北蓝(Northern blue)在需冷量达到1000h情况下,可以通过温度调控,打破盆栽蓝莓休眠期,达到提前开花的目的。  相似文献   
本文介绍了吉林架树台湖湿地公园的基本概况和湿地退化状况,并从湿地生态补水、渠系改造和修复、水域清淤、珍稀水鸟及栖息地生境保护与修复等方面提出了湿地修复的对策及建议。  相似文献   
为探讨修枝强度、林农间种、异龄林等因素对洞庭湖洲滩钉螺孳生的影响,对拐棍洲有螺滩地杨树人工林的螺情分布进行了长期定点调查。结果表明:4年生杨树林,修枝次年林分内的活螺框出现率、活螺密度均低于修枝当年,其中1/3修枝强度次年林分活螺框出现率、活螺密度较修枝当年分别降低了68.00%和80.80%。林农间种的杨树林较翻耕不种和不耕不种的杨树林抑螺效应显著,翻耕而不间种的杨树林,活螺框出现率与不耕不种的1年生杨树林一样,但活螺密度却较不耕不种下降了47.20%。异龄林营造后,活螺密度大致呈下降趋势,营造后的第2、3、4年时活螺框出现率、活螺密度分布较营造当年下降73.33%、50.00%、77.67%和75.96%、43.94%、83.85%。林分郁闭后,全面翻垦的林分活螺框出现率、活螺密度均比不翻垦的林分低直至趋于零。除了高程(32.64m)较高的林分外,其他高程全耕不种林分内活螺框出现率、活螺密度均低于全垦间种。  相似文献   
海山仙馆的匾题诗联与园林艺术美的交融   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
"海山仙馆"是广州十三行时期由行商潘仕成兴建的一座吸收了较多西方技艺要素的岭南古典园林。海山仙馆之园林艺术引发出丰富的诗联匾额之作,诗联匾额之作也修饰了海山仙馆的自然山水之美、建筑文化之美、人文精神之美。认识并把握二者间的互动原理与表现手法,有利于加深对行商园林的研究、评赏和传承。  相似文献   
The livelihoods of people dependent on the Tonle Sap floodplain ecosystem in Cambodia are expected to be affected by changes in economic conditions, social circumstances, environmental perturbations, demographic shifts and political climates. This study assesses how small‐scale fisheries’ livelihoods are changing in response to social and environmental conditions using the opinions of fishers collected through an intensive family survey of 514 households from Pursat and Battambang Provinces in Cambodia. Probit modelling approach was used to assess whether a fisher would continue fishing or not in the future when subjected to a variety of shifting conditions and identify the factors associated with their response. It was found that in any future condition about 50% of fishers would likely continue to fish, which suggests how much they love their traditional livelihood of fishing. The remaining 50% considered to diversify their livelihood strategy by shifting towards a combination of fishing, farming, and off‐farm jobs. Furthermore, the analysis found that the fishers will change their fishing practices depending on how other sectors in the region develop. The model showed increasing access to agricultural activities decreased the likelihood of continuing to fish, whereas finding an off‐farm job corresponded to increased likelihood of continuing to fish.  相似文献   
Religion and spirituality have long played important roles in fishery systems around the world, and yet are often neglected in modern fisheries management and research. We review current literature and analyse the major small‐scale fishery on Lake Tanganyika, Africa, to highlight how religion may mediate fishing behaviours. Our study surveyed 154 fishers across 11 landing sites in Tanzania, followed by 15 semi‐structured interviews with key informants including fishery officers and local religious leaders. We identified key connections between religious beliefs/practices and fisher perceptions, behaviour and compliance with harvest restrictions and regulations. We demonstrate that better understanding and accounting for religious dimensions is critical for engaging with fishery stakeholders more effectively and managing global fisheries more sustainably.  相似文献   
通过引进东北辽西科尔沁沙地樟子松在青海湖斜麻沙区进行栽植试验,结果表明,引进的樟子松当年主顶芽平均生长高度达10.13 cm,侧顶芽生长高度平均达5.14 cm,平均顶芽生长达7.64 cm,苗木整体生长良好,当年成活率达到93%;经过长达6个多月寒冬,越冬成活率达80%,返青良好。  相似文献   
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